Friday, October 10, 2008

THE FIRST (at long last!)

October already but be assured plenty has been happening. However, progress always been two steps forward- one step back! I've been known to compare it to ploughing along a Manukau beach at low tide.
Today, our first family received and installed themselves the first a camera and router AND, as seen from these photos, connection was made back to KDEC! For the records, there were the inevitable hiccups: a missing cable (eventually found), one setting not perfect and a failing battery on a support mobile. Eventually the patiently and expectantly waiting family and staff at both near and far ends were rewarded with a link.
Unfortunately in spite of the best efforts by all technical personnel the QoS (Quality of Service) currently remains unacceptable. The fault is so unusual it is likely to be correctable so, fingers crossed. At times the packet loss was up to 30%, other times 0% and sometimes the upload speed was twice that of the download speed! When we could maintain a high QoS the resulting NZSL communication generated a significant amount of emotional response as well as overwhelming gratitude from the family involved.