Monday, May 18, 2009

Another NZ first!

Last week an idea was proposed. In hindsight, it was such an obvious idea that the rest of us wondered why we hadn't thought of it! An RSW (Residential Social Worker) "thought outside the square" and suggested an upcoming IEP (a legal requirement in special education) could be conducted via Videoconferencing. A GOLD STAR for her! Thank you!

This had the advantage of saving mum (hearing but not a fluent NZSL user) and dad (Deaf, fluent in NZSL but difficulty with English) living about 200km away from taking a couple of days off work and spending associated travel and accommodation costs out of their own pockets. This important meeting was set up in 5 minutes and was all done and dusted in about an hour and a half! This 2 minute video clip shows both “still” and “moving” images. There is audio.

Although an IEP is obviously confidential, this clip has been heavily edited and has parental approval.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

What's happening behind the scenes?

Anyone following this blog will be excused for wondering if the project has come to a grinding halt! Since the last post back in January there has been nothing of visual interest to report BUT (and that is a very large "but") behind the scenes, a number of complex happenings have taken place. Most are technical in nature so not really reportable on this site. There have also been an inordinate number of third party delays including failures with home connections, inability of technical agencies to communicate quickly with each other, extreme difficulties with communication with families and delays with supply of new equipment.
The end result, although a very long and frustrating time in coming, is as of yesterday, looking more positive.
I'm pleased to report that, after a very long but immensly rewarding day on the road two new home based units have been successfully installed in Huntly and Putaruru as well as two new units in the remaining cottages. There is one more unit to be installed in a week or two in Hamilton and finally another in Tirau. This will make a grand total of ... wait for it ... nine (yes 9) VCing units in service.
Another interesting factor worthy of mention was a trial of the new Video telephone service from a Wellington based company MV2 Networks. We looked at these units kindly loaned to us to test. Our comments and thoughts are available on request.