This video is about 3 minutes long.
The monitor in use at the near end is a temporary computer monitor with a TV converter. It will not form part of the permanent project. The primary reason for its use tonight was to enable VCing to take place with some degree of privacy (unsuccessfully as you will notice). Later a 19" or 20" LCD with a wireless connection will be used in small rooms for convenience as well as an increased degree of privacy. We will still retain the use of the lounge settings for group VCing.
The far end (home) used their family 52" TV set. The lighting was improved for the following evening when another equally successful connection was made without any technical support being required at either end.
It also needs to be noted that Brett from ICOM NZ has championed the use of SIP protocol for this project (as opposed to H.323). This has helped to ensure more reliability and a straightforward process whereby families can manage their own installations with little more than a set of easy instructions. So far this has proved very successful. Anyone interested in more information on SIP in VCing might want to contact Brett.