Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The next day ...

After a slight hiccup (if all else fails, try a reboot) I was able dial up KDEC then pan and tilt the far 7000 with my 500's remote to locate Richard (I didn't need to but it was fun) and have a chat. Next step, when students and staff return from term break, we will have students signing between the the trial locations.

I will video some of that for this site.

The third install

A pix from home back to KDEC. Note the quality.

Later, at my home a second 500 camera and a Cisco router is configured for two different types of connection:

1. DSL

2. Wireless

Again the QoS is excellent. 512/512, zero packet loss and zero frames dropped.

... and its Wellington test shows excellent QoS.

The 7000's little brother, the 500 is set up ...

KDEC to Wellington

Simon sets up the big 7000 at KDEC

Connections at last!

Two IT specialists committed "as long as it takes" of their time yesterday afternoon to configuring and installing three trial cameras - two at KDEC and one at my home.
* The wireless connection from school had been pre-configured.
* The DSL connection at my home was set-up
* All other work was completed in about three hours.
Testing included dialing both Wellington and Auckland offices as well as each of our own three test sites.
The wireless connection at home requires a little more work but should be up and running (for test purposes) within a few days.
The only technical "hitch" was this morning when when I tried to dial up KDEC from home.
"That's always the way isn't it", giggled the 0800 helpline receptionist.
"The IT guys go and the system doesn't work."
The on-line IT voice performed a quick diagnosis: "Mmmm! Have you tried a reboot?" (I've heard that line before somewhere) ... and all was well.

For the record, I'll post some pix ...

Friday, April 18, 2008

First hardware arrives

This may well look like a very boring photo - you may well be right! However it signals the beginnings of the next significant step in the NZSL VC project: the arrival of the first cameras in preparation for testing of the two transmission methods. 1. Wireless and 2. DSL.

Monday, April 14, 2008


Although it may appear little is happening, in fact much has happened since the last posting by way of consolidation. As a result, today, the first cameras, installations/setup and training sessions were ordered. This happened only after considerable effort was expended by way of independent consultation both here in Auckland and in Australia with independent local experts as well as staff of the Royal Institute for Deaf and Blind Children (RIDBC) in Sydney. It was timely that this prestigious institute offered their inaugural conference of Teleschool to share their expertise in Videoconferencing across Australia last week. The photo shows RIDBC's IT manager, Colin Speller, demonstrating one of their systems. Further details of this conference are available on request.

As soon as hardware arrives at KDEC and is configured, testing followed by training followed by practise sessions will commence - WATCH THIS SPACE!